I came across this site whilst meandering the interwebs looking for information on the first HUB LP - that is, the one with the version of Randy Newman's "Sail Away" on it... am I correct that it's this LP and not the second?
More to the point, I had that LP many many moons ago, and have, of course, lost it in the intervening years.
Does anyone have it, and the ability to rip a copy of it to mp3 or mp4 form?
I'd gladly pay for a copy of the album itself, if anyone had one available for sale, but I fear that's not gonna be an option.
If anyone can help me - even on a lead, if you don't have a copy yourself, I'd be extraodinarily appreciative!
I can be reached at chicagopino [at] gmail [dot] com
Thank you for allowing me to post, and for any help anyone can provide!