I just ordered Pete's new CD on the Peter Rivera website. It is called Been There...Doin' This. It is Pete with his unplugged band. Very excited to receive it.
Pete, any dates with this band this summer in the Chicagoland area or somewhere close? I didn't see any on the website.
I'll say that my backyard is open anytime. Granted I'm not a promoter, don't have a P.A. or the cash flow. But we do grill out a lot. How do you like your steak Peter? Ha ha
Recieved the CD today from Pete. I love it. Pete, you sound amazing!! You infused a new freshness and excitement into the old classics. Thanks for your continued efforts and for making me and my fellow RE/Pete fans soooooo happy!!
Wow. I can't stop playing the new CD and I can't sing it's praises highly enough. Conratulations Pete, a fantastic piece of work. I particularly love what you've done with Ma. At 7.23 it's the longest track on the album but, it doesn't outstay its welcome. The acoustic guitar and piano shine through on this and every other song.
Mostly staying true to the originals, the acoustic treatment of the songs is sufficient to make the whole project feel like a whole new piece of work. Having said that, In Bed is slowed down and given a makeover. The result seems strange at first but it doesn't half grow on you. What'd I Say retains the feel of the One World version whilst managing to include elements of the original version by Ray Charles. In my opinion Tobacco Road never sounded better.
I hope Peter won't be offended if I say that there are one or two moments when I would have liked to hear a burst of Gil Bridges' sax or flute, more for old times sake than anything. I'm a Rare Earth fan after all, so I don't think I'd be alone in harbouring this wish.
On that controversial note I'll end by saying that anyone on the forum who hasn't yet bought the CD "Been There...Doin' This" CD...you should. You must!!!
Thank you so much Dave. I'm glad you like the CD. I wondered how some might feel about doing the songs the way we did. We tried to keep some lines in the songs that were reflective of the originals. I like the way we worked with the chords and arrangements. Thank you again. Right now we are working on a new project with new material and possibly another project of songs I've always wanted to record. We'll see how it goes.. All the best Peter
Ok, I need to get this ordered...I'll use my leftover birthday money from July4.
Being busy with work, school and family...things get prioritized. I'm not saying that all Rare Earth related music goes on the backburner either.
It's been a busy summer. Taking care of mom (sick with cancer), work, family, school and baseball (my youngest boy Cameron finished his little league season...he was on the all-star team as well: 3 times @ bat, batted .666, scored two runs and had one RBI).
Music that came out from my speakers blew me away,great start with Born To Wonder,Get ready makes You get up and dance,and my all time fav MA !!! wow.....what a clear sound and production!
Absolutely brilliant job all of You in the band,and special thanks goes tu Russ for his magic touch.
PETE,There is a amazing vitality in your voice, a life force, an energy that keeps us marching and makes us more alive ...
*Thanks for the autograph....
"Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. ..."