Today is June 9, 2009 and I wanted to invite you to join in some fun. In abouta week I am going to broadcast on the internet worldwide, a session of me and the members of the Celebrate Band. I will be giving you a website and a password to join us in an hour or so of Rehearsal and Jammin on some tunes. We are anxious to see what you think of the technology we will be using for the broadcast. It is free. All you have to do is log in and watch. We will have a chat set up so you can communicate during the session.The stream will be near Hi-Def quality and you can watch Full Screen. I hope youll join us. Just watch the Forum and Soulful Detroit for the site and password. I will announce the times soonLets get on with it.Peter Rivera Original Lead Singer/Drummer of Rare Earth 69/75.