Long time no post from me. Trying to catch up. Mike, is the project finished? Perhaps you can e-mail me to let me know how I can get a set of discs? My e-mail is stuart.fischer@rcn.com
Thanks for all of your tireless work and effort. All you guys and band members on this forum are wonderful and any of you are welcome to e-mail me anytime.
1. I am waiting for a SEALED copy of the Matrix album to arrive which will be part of the project. For those not aware, the Matrix album was cut by Tom Baird, Nick Zesses & Dino Fekaris. I lost a bid on ebay last month for a sealed copy. I finally found another. This is THE last transfer I have to do. 2. I have 2 more album to listen to for any errors, pops or clicks (Grand Slam & Matrix). The rest of the albums have been indexed and are ready to put on cd. I will say that NOT ONCE have I found a skip in any of the records. A major plus! 3. Last...will be creating the artwork. I have some special plans for this. This will be the easy part. I'd say I am 85% done with this.
You've put your heart and soul into this project Mike and we're all grateful.
I'm very excited about the prospect of hearing the Matrix album at last. I think you've got just about included everything except (maybe) the Pywackett (John Persh and Kenny James' post RE band) single? Sadly I've never heard or owned a copy otherwise I'd have sent it over to you.
Great to see two "last posts" side by side reading "Ray Monette" and "Rod Richards". We'll get Kenny James on here yet!! Might be harder to get Mike Urso though? Just my gut feeling.
You're the greatest Mike! We all really appreciate this.
You're welcome. My pleasure
A side note...My dad got wind of my project via my wife who keeps going on and on about "Mike's record transfer project that he's hell bent on" Now he's anxious to hear the early albums, especially In Concert. I talked with him tonight about it and he told me about seeing Rare Earth a few times in the early 70's...Des Moines and Chicago. I had asked him what year he saw RE in Chi-town. "Oh, not long before your mother and I met...downtown @ McCormick Place". I told him that the band played there in late 73 in the Arie Crown Theatre and recorded the show for an album but it never came out. That got his attention. Now even he's anxious to hear Live In Chicago.
Mark You will love Pete's vocals on it, Rod's guitar is great too as indeed are the whole band. For me the version on Different World with Wayne on vocals is as good but just a different time.
I just discovered an interesting thing regarding the tune "Ma". Someone may have already pointed this out.
On the single version, which I literally downloaded a few days ago (because I couldnt wait to hear it, not knowing what it sounded like compared to the LP version) at 29 seconds into it, you will hear Peter hum a couple of notes. This does NOT appear on the LP version. Anyone else catch that? This is one of the things I loved about the singles compared tothe LP versions. There is always **something** additional added, even if it is this small!
Steve, I had a little problem with incoming e-mail's being blocked by my virus protection. Just received a bunch of e-mail's including yours. I'll try to get back to you later tonight. Jocko D
Mike, et. al. It occurs between 29/30 seconds (using the digital counter on Windows Media player) into the single version of the tune. Doesn't occur at all on the LP version--unless it is just super buried in the mix, but my "magic ears" don't detect it on the album, LOL! Steve
I would love to contribute the Pywackett stuff for the project. It would be great if the same person could put the songs on You Tube. Whom should I email?
Folks, I'm giving this youtube thing another shot. I have a friend who is going to help. I have decided to try it one more time and put Get Ready on youtube.
Even Pete was anxious to find it on youtube. Sorry about that Pete. I won't go back on my word. Hell or high water, everyone will get to hear it. Sorry everyone. I know you're all anxious!
1. Bad news...last week I went to do some final tweaking and my folder on the desktop that said "Rare Earth Project" was gone. I searched the entire p.c. It was deleted somehow. Not by me. I put a LOT of hard work into it. Naturally, I was upset. No, "pissed" would be the better word. All of the audio and most of the artwork...GONE!
2. Good news...I have all of the raw stuff on data discs so I have to go back and start over again. That's 20 cd's worth. If I learned anything, it's to take notes. So, I have all of my notes on what i did to fix and clean up things...right down to the times in certian songs, EQ adjustments, etc. I'll be pulling long nights for the next week or two in order to finish this project.
From there it's off to Ray & Pete for their comments, approval, etc... Then it's off to the rest of ya.
I know it's taken a long time but this is a temporary setback. Belgians (myself included) can be very stubborn and don't take stuff lightly. This will be done by the end of May, I promise you that! I ain't going to screw you guys over. I'm working feverishly to get back to where I was before the stuff was deleted. Just a little more patience.
I can't even begin to think how you felt when you lost all that work. Most would have given up...
Michael, we salute you!!!
Well, I won't repeat here what I said to myself, lol. I sat down, had a cold beer and just watched a late night movie and said "well, tomorrow night I'll have to start all over". I don't quit I'll be doing 4 or 5 more tonight.
I can't even begin to think how you felt when you lost all that work. Most would have given up...
Michael, we salute you!!!
Well, I won't repeat here what I said to myself, lol. I sat down, had a cold beer and just watched a late night movie and said "well, tomorrow night I'll have to start all over". I don't quit I'll be doing 4 or 5 more tonight.
More than two years on and so many of us are miffed. Any chance of a definitive answer on whether the Needledrop Project is dead or alive? A lot of debate and ranting is going on via private emails. Speaking personally, if the project is dead and buried, I'd rather know right now.
Is Santa coming down our chimneys this year or not? :) If not, we might shed some tears and even throw a few toys out of our prams, but at least we can move on.
What gives? It is going on 3 1/2 years now. For the last year or so, supposedly the project has been packaged and ready to go. Myself and others have offered to pay for our own shipping numerous times, if the issue was financial. I have been walking on egg shells for the better part of the last two years to keep my cool and not hassle you too much about the project because I understand the amount of time and work that you say you put into it.
No more!
I have never seen anything like what you are doing in my entire life. You have been pulling everyone's chain for over 3 years now, wetting our appetite and then not producing. You have lost any moral high ground you earned with your "good intentions." EITHER PUT UP OR SHUT UP ALREADY SO WE CAN ALL MOVE ON!
More than two years on and so many of us are miffed. Any chance of a definitive answer on whether the Needledrop Project is dead or alive? A lot of debate and ranting is going on via private emails. Speaking personally, if the project is dead and buried, I'd rather know right now.
Is Santa coming down our chimneys this year or not? :) If not, we might shed some tears and even throw a few toys out of our prams, but at least we can move on.
Mike, received the project today. Am going through the stuff now. I am happily overwhelmed, just sorting, putting stuff on my ipod, etc. Will comment further when I have more perspective. Just want to say so far so good and happy with the sound. Love the occasional crack and pop!!
Mike, received the project today. Am going through the stuff now. I am happily overwhelmed, just sorting, putting stuff on my ipod, etc. Will comment further when I have more perspective. Just want to say so far so good and happy with the sound. Love the occasional crack and pop!!
thanks sooooooooo much!!
Hi Stuart,
Those few cracks and pops are ones that wouldn't remove. The removal of each pop was done 1 at a time. No other processing was done. There was a little judicious EQ work done on a few things...just to smooth things out. But there's no noise-reduction or anything to take away from the integrity of the sound.